碳纖維用途 |
文選13-56 |
大雅講義 網址_ http://www.jackwts.tw/ |
(中英對照) 1.
中國建成萬噸級碳纖維生產線(China National Building Material
10,000-ton carbon fiber production line),在西寧正式投產(Officially
put into production in Xining),這個迄今為止中國最大的碳纖維生產基地(So far the largest carbon fiber production base in my contry ),投產後高性能碳纖維的單線年產能有望達到3000噸(High performance after production,The
annual production capacity of carbon fiber single line is expected to reach
3,000 tons )。碳纖維一個很小的產品(Carbon fiber is a very niche
product),作用卻極大(great effect)。有著"新材料之王”和"黑黃金”的稱呼(Known as the king of new materials and black gold),中國年需求量5萬多噸(China、s annual demand is more than 50,000 tons),國產化不足一半(Localization is less than half),中國該如何打破外國碳纖維壟斷?(How 2.
term carbon fiber has probably been heard by many people.),但究竟是什麼(but what exactly),恐怕很多人還不清楚(I、m afraid many people don、t
know)。碳纖維是一種含碳量超過90%的(Carbon fiber is a carbon content of more than 90%)一種具有高強度(high strength )、高模量性狀的纖維狀碳材料(Fibrous carbon material with high
film volume properties)。據說,其發明可追溯到愛迪生(Its invention
is said to date back to Edison),當年愛迪生改良燈絲延長燈泡壽命(Edison
improved the filament to extend the life of the light bulb),曾用竹子、亞麻或棉紗為原料(Bamboo flax or cotton yarn was used as raw material),製造出碳纖維並獲得專利(carbon fiber and patented ),可惜因為技術限制(Unfortunately,due to technical limitations),當時製造出來的碳纖維力學性能很差(The carbon fiber produced at that time had poor mechanical
properties.),工藝複雜,難以量產(The process is complex and difficult to mass produce),所以技術就暫時被擱置了(So the technology is put on hold for now.。 3.
上世紀中期(mid last century ),各發達國家加大對航天航空領域的投入(Developed countries have stepped up investing in aerospace
is an urgent need to find a light-weight )、強度高、耐高溫、抗腐蝕的材料(high strength high temperature resistance),碳纖維剛好具備這些優異性能(Carbon fiber just has these excellent properties),於是重新進入人們的視野(So re-enter the people’s
field of vision), 4.
碳的密度比大部份金屬都低(Carbon is less dense then most metals),所以(so )碳纖維製品也比同樣的金屬製品更輕(Carbon fiber
products are also lighter than the same metal products),具體而言(in particular),碳纖維的密度只有鋼材的五分之一(The
density of carbon fiber is only 1/5 of that of steel),但強度卻是鋼材的5 到七倍(But the strength is 5-7 times that
of steel),一般認為(Generally considered),碳纖維所擁有的高強度(The high strength of carbon fiber),來源於碳原子的整齊排列(Originated from the neat arrangement of carbon atoms),在碳纖維中(in carbon fiber),碳原子之間(between carbon atoms )有著立體蜂窩狀結構的碳-碳共價双鍵(Carbon-carbon co-framework double
bonds in three-dimensional honeycomb structure),結合非常緊密(very tightly bound),即便受到外力的強沖擊(Even under
the strong impact of external force),也不會造成太大的形變破損(It
well not cause too much shape become
broken of course)。當然,想要得到如此緊密有序的"造型”(Want to get such a tight and orderly shape),可不是件容易的事(it、s not easy )。 5.
很多人對碳纖維的工藝不了解(Many people do not understand the
process of carbon fiber),存在認知誤區(There are cognitive
misunderstandings),其實(actually)碳纖維並不是直接用碳做成的纖維(Carbon fiber is not a fiber
made directly from carbon ),至少目前還達不到(At lest not yet)。碳纖維製造工藝的基本流程(Basic process of carbon fiber manufacturing process),是採用如聚丙烯腈纖維(is made a polypropylene hydrogen fiber)、瀝青纖維(pitch fiber)和人造絲等(and rayon etc.)含碳高的有機纖維作為原料(Organic fiber with high
carbon content as raw material),混合塑料樹脂後(After mixing
plastic resin),在高溫高壓的惰性氣體環境中(Carried out in a inert
gas environment of high temperature and pressure),進行脫水碳化而成(dehydrated and carbonized)。在大約 6.
另外,成型的碳纖維直徑只有5到10微米(in addition, the formed carbon fiber diameter is only 5-10
thinner then a hair),跟很多人的直覺認識不同(Contrary to the
intuition of many people),碳纖維越細(The thinner the carbon fiber ),缺陷就越少(fewer
defects),強度也越大(The wall convering
is bigger),不管什麼樣的碳纖維,還都只是一維的(No matter what kind of
carbon fiber is stillonly one-dimensional ),要變成可使用的製造業原材料(To become usable raw materials for manufacturing),還需要編製處理(still need to compile),把碳纖維紡成薄薄的布(Spun carbon fiber into thin cloth),為了讓炭纖維製品的硬度更好(In order to make the hardness of carbon fiber products better),碳纖維布之間會注入樹脂和固化劑(Resin and curing agent are injected between the carbon fiber
them layer by layer),就像一張張紙裝訂成一本書(Like sheets of
paper in to a book),需求不同,層數也不一樣(Different layers are
required),這一步完成後(After this step is completed),基本就是我們能看到的(basically what we can see)碳纖維製品的外觀形態了(The
appearance of carbon fiber products), 7.
可見 碳纖維的優良性質(It can be seen that the excellent
properties of carbon fiber),雖然本質上來源於它的內部結構(Although
essentially derived from its interial structure),但落腳點還是製造工藝(But the foothold is stell the
manufacturing process),產品的量產需要解決(Product mass
production)很多複雜的技術難題(Many complex technical problems
need to be solved),工藝複雜(Complex process),價格自然昂貴(The price is naturally expensive)。最早使用碳纖維的領域肯定不差錢的(The earliest fields to use carbon
fiber are definitely not bad for money)。航天領域對材料輕量化的追求(The
pursuit of lightweight materials in the aerospace field),早已達到以克為計量單位的程度(have already reached the point where grams are the unit of
pursuit og ligther weight
on the basis of safety)。 8.
因為火箭需要巨大的助推力(Because the rocket needs a huge amount
of boost),所以 燃料儲箱的重量(so fuel
the weight of the tank is ofen ),往往佔到整體重量的六成以上(Accounting for more then 60% of theoverall
weight ),如果能減輕容器自身的重量(If the weight of the container
itself can be reduced),火箭就能更輕盈(Rockets can be
lighter),提升有效載荷(lift payload),提高發射效率(improve emission efficiency),碳纖維耐高低溫、重量輕等特性(Carbon fiber high and low temperature ,light weight and other
characteristics),自然成為火箭的首選(Naturally became the
rocket′s first choice ),在這裡講句題外話(here‵s a
digression ),世界航空航天的發展歷史(The History of Aerospace
Development in the World),其實是相關材料科學的發展史(in fact ,it
the history of the development of related materials science.,每一代新材料的出現(Emergency of each new generation of materials),都會引發顛覆性的變革(will lead to disruptive changes), 9.
與火箭一樣(same as rocket),飛機設計中也有結構輕量化的考量(Lightweight structures are also consideredin
aircraft design),用碳纖維製造的飛機(aircraft made of carbon
fiber ),可以大幅節約能耗(Significant energy savings can be
achieved),不但始飛行航程擴展、載荷提高(Not only increases the
flight range extension load),機動靈活性還更強(Greater
mobility),而且飛行壽命也延長了(And the flight life is also
as early as 1969),就已經把碳纖維複合材料(carbon fiber),用在了F 10.
到了以F-22和F-35為代表的第四代戰鬥機(To the fourth generational fighter represented by F22 and F35),碳纖維的使用比例(The proportion of carbon fiber used)驟然提升到 飛機重量的24%和36%(Suddenly increased to 24% and 36%
of the weight of the aircraft),碳纖維的結構(carbon fiber
structure ),還讓戰鬥機額外(Also makes the fighter extra)具有電磁屏蔽和隱身特性(With electromagnetic shielding
and stealth characteristics),在無人機領域(in the field of
drones),碳纖維(carbon fiber )更是保證承載和續航的不二之選(It is the best choice to ensure load
carrying and better life),使用比例是所有航空器中最高的(The
percentage of use is the highest of any aircraft),美國全球鷹(GlobalHawk)(US Global UK Globalhawk)無人偵察機碳纖維占比達到65%(The
proportion of carbon fiber in unmanned reconnaissance aircraft reaches 65%),X-47B、”神經元”、”雷神”等幾個型號的無人機上(S47B neurons several types of drones such as Raytheon),碳纖維的使用比例高達九成(The proportion of carbon fiber used is as high as 90%), 11.
除了天上飛的(excert for the
flying ),海裡游的也照樣能用上碳纖維(Swimming
in the sea can still use carbon fiber),船舶艦體上層建築使用碳纖維(The
superstructure of the ship's hull uses carbon fiber),可減輕總體質(can reduce overall),提高安全性能(improve safety
performance),用碳纖維做葉片艦船推進器(Using carbon fiber to make
blade ship propellers is reducing),在減輕自重的同時能夠降低油耗(Reduce
fuel consumption while maintaining safe-weight),延長使用壽命(Extended service life ),桅杆、船體結構上使用碳纖維(Carbon
fiber is used on the mast hull structure ),能增加船艦強度(Can
increase the strength of the ship),在軍事方面(in the
military),碳纖維還有個很特殊的專門用途(Carbon fiber also has a very
special purpose)—製造炸彈(make a
bomb),碳纖維炸彈又叫石墨炸彈或軟炸彈( Carbon fiber bomb is also
graphite bomb or soft bomb),由經過特殊處理的碳纖維製成(The salt blam of specially treated carbon fiber), 12.
我們說過碳纖維直徑很小(As we said carbon fiber diameter is
small),就能在高空中長時間飄浮(floating in the air for a long
time),這些碳纖維,能進入電子設備的內部(these carbon fiber can find their way into the interior of
electronic divices),以及冷卻管道和控制系統的電路中(and in the circuits of cooling ducts and control systems),造成短路(cause a short circuit),在戰場上沒了電(out of
power on the battlefield),軍事指揮(military command post )所需的各種高精尖裝備的使用(The use of various high-tech
equipment required),就無從談起了(no way to talk aboult it)。碳纖維在軍事領域如此重要(Carbon
fiber is so important in the military field),必然屬於戰略物資(Most
belong to strategic material ), 13.
隨著科技軍轉民的潮流(With the trend of technology military to
civilian),碳纖維也廣泛應用於民航、醫療(Carbon fiber is also widely
used in civil aviation medical),汽車、體育等民用領域(Automobil sports and other civilian fielids),中國自己的民用大飛機C919的發動機上(Our on large civil aircraft, On
the engine C919),使用碳纖維複合材料的葉片(Blades made of carbon
fiber composites),重量比傳統鈦合金減少500多公斤(The weight is more than 14.
前不久剛剛生產出來的(Not log ago ,the domestically produced)國產C919大客機(C919 large airliner),這種材料的用量大概在12%(The amount of this material is about 12%),主要用在機身和尾翼等多個部位(Mainly used in multiple parts such as fuselage and empennage),被稱為"碳纖維C 15.
碳纖維的應用很廣泛(Carbon fiber is widely used),比如在人工骨骼和關節方面(such as artifical bones and joints),由於碳纖維具有優良的力學強度(Due to the excellent mechanical strength of carbon fiber),和抗拉蠕變性能(and anti-deformation properties),製造出來的骨骼更接進人骨(Manufactured bones are closer to human bones),與人體相容性更好(Better compatibility with the human body),用碳纖維製成的人工關節(Aritfical joint made of carbon fiber),在關結連接處的耐磨性(Abrasion resistance at joints),也比金屬製品要更高(Also taller than metal products), 16.
中國碳纖維的最大消費方向(The largest consumption direction of
domestic carbon fiber),是風力發電機的葉片(wind turbine blades),約占民用碳纖維消費的四成(40% of the consumption of carbon fiber for civilian use),風電葉片越來越長(Wind turbine blades are getting
longer),傳統玻璃纖維複合材料(Traditional Fiberglass Composites),已無法滿足風電葉片大型化、輕量化的要求(Can no longer meet the
needs of large-scale wind power blades lightweight requirements),碳纖維材料(carbon fiber material)具有更低的密度和更高的強度(Has
lower density and higher strength),可以保證風電葉片在增加長度的同時(It can ensure that the madness blade increase in length at the
same time),大大降低重量(Greatly reduce weight),小到羽毛球拍、嬰兒推車(baby stroller as small as badminton racket),大到輪船、飛機、超高速列車(AS big as a ship ,an airplane, a super high –speed
train),對碳纖維的需求無處不在(The demand for carbon fiberis everywhere), 17.
在巨大的消費需求面前(in the face of huge consumer demand),中國碳纖維市場的國產化程度比較低(The degree of localization of my contry‵s carbon fiber market is relatively low),供應略顯不足(Slightly undersupplied ),這種不足,主要是因為中國起步太晚(This
deficiency is mainly because we started too late),上世紀50年代初(early 1950s),美國空軍就開始把新材料的研發重點(The U.S.
Air Force began to use the new material),放在碳纖維上(R&,D focus on carbon fiber) [Research and development;縮寫:R&D)],1959年美國空軍材料實驗室(1959
US Air Force Material Laboratory),和美國聯合碳化公司(and Union
Carbide),首次用人造絲作為原料(First use of rayon as raw
material),實現了碳纖維的量產(Realized mass production of carbon
fiber), 18.
1960年代 日本也加入碳纖維的研發(in
the 1960s,Japan also joined the research and development of carbon fiber),日本碳公司實現了通用聚丙烯腈基礎碳纖維的生產(Nippon Carbon Corporation has achieved general-purpose
polypropylene crystal production carbon fiber),1971年
日本東麗公司的高性能聚丙烯腈基(1971 Nippon Dynamic′s
high-performance polypropylene crystal)碳纖維在滋賀試投產(carbon
fiber Brownstone production),日本採取的聚丙烯腈技術(Polyacrylonitrile technology adopted by Japan),比美國的人造絲技術更先進(More advanced than American man-made technology),1970年代(United States of America in the
1970s,)美國聯合碳化公司主動找到日本東麗公司達成合作協議(Carbon Company took
the initiative to find Japan Toji Company reached a
cooperation agreement),用自己比較成熟的碳化技術與東麗公司的(Using our
own relatively mature carbonization technology )聚丙烯腈源絲技術交換(Polypropylene with Dongdi Company),美日兩國各取所需(The two countries take what they need every day),形成了碳纖維技術的雙雄壟斷(Formed a duopoly carbon fiber technology ), 19.
西歐各國也在1970年代(Western European countries also in the 1970s),加入碳纖維的技術大戰(Join the technology wars of carbon fiber),到1980年代中期(to the
mid-1980s)聚丙烯腈基碳纖維成為各國主流(Polypropylene crystal
deposited carbon fiber has become the mainstream in various contries),全球年產能力在7200多噸(The global annual production capacity is more than 7,200tons),除滿足科研用途之外(In addition to meeting scientific research purposes),基本全都用在航空航天等高精尖領域(Basically all of them used in high-tech fields such as aerospace),特別是軍事領域(especially in the military field),追溯起來(trace
back), 20.
中國的碳纖維研究起步於1970年代初期(my contry‵s carbon fiber research started in the early 1970s),中科院化學所(institute of Chemistry,Chinese Academy
of Sciences)高分子材料物理研究室(Laboratory of Polymer
Materials Physics),進行了相關研究(conducted related research),1975年 時任國防科工委主任的張愛萍將軍(General Zhang Aiping, then director of the Commission of Science,
Technology and industry for National Defense),主持召開專題會議(Host a special meeting ),部署國內碳纖維研究工作(Deployment
of domestic carbon fiber research work),還制訂了十年規劃(A
ten-year plan was also formulated),但由於美日對於碳纖維技術的壟斷(However,
due to the monopoly of the United States and Japan on carbon fiber technology
),中國的碳纖維技術一直在低水平徘徊(ㄆㄞˊ ㄏㄨㄞˊ)(my country‵s carbon fiber
technology has been hovering at a low level),到了1990年代
雖有零星產品(in the 1990s, although there were sporadic products),但始終無法大規模生產(Howere, it has not been possible to
mass-produce), 21.
2000年在師昌緒院士的牽頭和推動下(2,000 years led and promoted by acadermician
Shi Changxu),發起了中國碳纖維技術攻關的(initiated
China Carbon Fiber)新一輪戰略構思(A new round of strategic
conception for technological breakthroughs),2001年1月(January 2001)80歲的師院士給江澤民主席寫了(80-year-old Academician Shi wrote to President Jiang Zemin),《關於加速研發高性能碳纖維的請示報告》(About accelerated development High-performance carbon fiber
request report),各主要領導(The main leaders.)對中國碳纖維的發展,有了清晰的認識(Have a clear understanding of the development of carbon fiber in
my country),相關研發項目再次啟動(Relevant R&D
projects started again),以2002年入選國家863計劃為新起點(in 2002, it was selected into
the national 863 plan as a new starting point),中國碳纖維(my
country carbon fiber) 開起了衝出壟斷的逆襲之旅(Started the counterattack journey to break out of monopoly),經過十幾年的發展(After more than ten years of development), 22.
到2019年(by 2019)中國碳纖維的理論產能已經排名第三(Chin a‵s
theoretical production capacity of carbon fiber has ranked third),以2.685萬噸(With 26,850 tons)僅次於美國(3.73萬噸) ,和日本(2.91萬噸) (Second only to the 37,300 tons in the United States and 29,100
tons in japan ),中、美、日三國總共占有(China,
the United States and Japan occupy a total of)全球碳纖維總產量的六成(Sixty percent of the world‵′s total carbon fiber production),居安思危(Be
prepared for danger in time of peace), 23.
雖然中國碳纖維的產量已經大幅提升(Although my country‵s carbon fiber production ),但主要是通用型的低端產品(But mainly general purpose low-end
core advanced technology in the field of carbon fiber),尤是超高強度高端碳纖維的(Especially ultra-high-strength
high-end乾噴濕紡技術(Carbon Fiber
Dry Spray Release Technology),依舊被美日壟斷(Still
monopolized by the daily),該技術具有生產效率高、碳纖維品質好(This
technology has high production efficiency and good quality carbon fiber)、生產成本低等優點(Advantages of low production cost),生產的高端碳纖維(Production of high-end carbon fiber), 24.
特別是(in particular) T-1000及以上級別的,超高強度碳纖維(Ultra-high-strength carbon fiber above T1000)更是高端尖貨(It‵s even more high-end ),是美日對中國技術封鎖的”卡脖子”領域(It is the neck of the daily blockade of my country‵s technology),比如日本東麗公司(Nippon Dynamics )作為全球最大的碳纖維生產商之一(As one of the world‵s largest carbon fiber producers),其產品從小絲束到大絲束(Its products range from small to
large),從線、條到面板(Genus from front t panel),已經做到了全系列覆蓋(Has done a full range of coverage),代表著碳纖維工業化技術的最高水平(Represents the highest level of carbon fiber industrialization
technology),東麗公司對高端碳纖維材料的壟斷(Toray‵s monopoly on high-end carbon fiber
the international aerospace market),盡管中國(Although my
country‵s high )對高模高強碳纖維的研發工作(Research and development of membrane high-strength carbon fiber),已經成功攻克了實驗室製備技術(Has successfully overcome the laboratory preparation technology),科研成果和實際效果(Scientific research results and
practical effects), 也已經接進了國際先進水平(It is also close to
the intemational advanced level), 25.
但在產業方面(but in terms of industry )中國的碳纖維技術、生產水平(my county‵s carbon
fiber technology production level ),則主要集中在中低規格的通用型產品(Mainly
focus on general-purpose with low and medium specifications ),通用性級別的產品(Versatility-level products),占到國內碳纖維產品的九成(Accounting
for 90% of domestic carbon fiber products),用於民用產品的製造比較合適(It is more suitable for the manufacture of civilian products)。卻很難滿足高端工業領域(But is difficult to satisfy the high-end industrial field),尤其是現代國防的需求(Especially the needs of modern defense),任何技術要實現產業化落地(Any technology needs to realize industriallization),除了與之配套的技術(in addition to the accompanying technology ),還需要包括原材料、設備(Also need to include raw material equipment)、工藝控制等多方面的協同發展和完善(Collaborative development and improvement of process control and
other aspects),為了突破美日在碳纖維方面的技術封鎖(To break through the
daily Technical blockade in carbon fiber), 26.
2018年集全國10餘所高校、科研院所、企業的通力合作(in 2018,more than ten scientific research institutes of
universities across the country),中國已成功實現了從12K小絲束(Our country
has successfully realized from 12K),到48K大絲束的突破(Breakthrough from small divisions
to 48K large divisions),2019年初 中科院山西煤炭化學研究所 (Shanxi institute of Coal Chemistry,
Chinese Academy of Sciencesin early 2019),實現了乾噴濕紡製備T-1000級(Realized
dry spray imitation BT1000 grade),超強碳纖維的核心技術突破(The
core technology breakthrough of super carbon fiber),並且在國內首次開發出(And developed for the firs time in China)聚丙烯腈積新型中空碳纖維(Polypropylene core type hollow carbon fiber),西寧投產後。未來仍可期(After Xining put into production, the
future can still be expected )。今年1月(January this year), 27.
Petrochemical 12.000 tons per year 48K Dasi Shu carbon ),正式開工建設(The fiber
project officially started construction ),計劃2024年建成投產(It is planned be completed and put into operation in 2024),中國碳纖維的技術和產業發展(my country‵s carbon
fiber technology and industrial development ),已經到了打破美日壟斷的臨門一腳(We‵re on the
verge of breaking the daily monopoly),產能提升可能不是難事(It
may not be difficult to increase production capacity ),最重要的還是技術的看齊(The most important thing is to mach the technology),唯有如此(only if),才能在新技術來臨時彎道超車(In order to overtake on curves when new tech noiogy
comes),徹底打破美日壟斷(Completely break the daily monopoly) __END; 2023.06. |